How do i stop the stoner munchies?

In particular, varieties that are high in CBD and THCV are excellent for this. Check out our list of 10 suggestions for varieties that will make you lose your appetite, or ask your friend to help you find something similar.

How do i stop the stoner munchies?

In particular, varieties that are high in CBD and THCV are excellent for this. Check out our list of 10 suggestions for varieties that will make you lose your appetite, or ask your friend to help you find something similar. Eat lots of vegetables before you get high, vegetables fill you up. They are loaded with fiber and move slowly through the digestive system.

If you do this before you start getting high, your stomach will most likely stay full throughout your euphoria. This may not work on its own, but combined with some of the other items on this list, it will help you keep your hunger under control. Comfort is often the shortest path to temptation. And before you know it, you're eating a big bag of French fries like there's no tomorrow.